MindLINK Software Systems
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Find out more about the benefits of the MindLINK software below.
Our Test Systems - Patented Technology

The MindLINK software modules myEmo TEST®, PrevenTEST® und myMENU TEST® are databases with testelements on emotional, physical or nutrition-related dynamics and blockages. They consist of soundfiles files, i.e. audible words. Instead of a speaker, these audio files are transmitted to the tested person using the specially developed MindLINK WavePads®.

myEmo TEST® - "The psyche as cause of illness"
Can be used to identifying and balancing psycho-emotional blockages. With this software module, emotional blockages can be found quickly and in a targeted manner e.g. as the background of emotional or physical symptoms. It supports an individual analysis and can serve as an introduction to any form of client counseling.

PrevenTEST® - "The new way to health and awareness"
The PrevenTEST® software module is used to find system connections and physical blockages. For example, it can be used to test what was the trigger of chronic diseases and what measures are needed to compensate it.

myMENU TEST® - "Eat healthy - live better"
myMENU Test® is a software module for extensive vital and metabolic analysis using reflex tests and computer-aided analysis. It is adapted to your current metabolism and provides information about the activity of the individual organs, the protein-, fat- and carbohydrate metabolism, glandular activity (hormones), the acid-base balance and much more. With MyMENU TEST® one can test to which extent a change in diet, the reduction of certain foods and the intake of vitamins and trace elements etc. can support you in achieving the desired goal.
Test for free?
Use our demo trial to test the PRO version free of charge for one month.
The prices below are monthly prices. A contract is concluded for a minimum term of 1 year and can be terminated at the end of the quarter.
myEmo TEST®
For newcomers to the software and those who would like to get to know us first. | More blockages and affirmations for everyone who has already dealt with the software and wants more. | You are familiar with the MindLINK Software® modules. You are an alternative practitioner or a medical doctor. In this version are all blockages and affirmations available for you. | |
Basic blockages and Setup options |
Basic affirmations, nature sounds and much more |
Blockages of the emotional and spiritual dynamics and much more |
Additional themed blocks in the Balancing files. For example: "Fit Learning" and "Mind-Body-Harmony" |
Blockages of the energetic dynamics, the minicomputer dynamics and much more |
Affirmation amongst to the life plan |
Various restorative therapies | |||
Price / month in € (incl. 19% VAT.) |
56,84 | 68,44 | 80,04 |
Order form | Order form | Order form |
For newcomers to the software and those who would like to get to know us first. | More blockages and affirmations for everyone who has already dealt with the software and wants more. | You are familiar with the MindLINK Software® modules. You are an alternative practitioner or a medical doctor. In this version are all blockages and affirmations available for you. | |
Basic blockages and Setup options |
Order therapies, Bach flowers, Schüssler salts |
Agent control | |||
Organ functions, systemic Functions |
Additional System and organ remedies | |||
Phylak Remedies (Spagyric Remedies) | |||
Supplement through further topics like children, teeth, immune system |
Psychosyndrome remedies and others additions |
Price / month in € (incl. 19% VAT.) |
56,84 | 68,44 | 91,64 |
Order form | Order form | Order form |
The MindLINK WavePads® convert the sound files into artificial fields of consciousness. If the tested person resonates with the transmitted content, a reflex occurs. With this reflex it is possible to test individual blockages and appropriate solutions with a yes / no query.
On this technology HP Dr. Dr. (PhD-UCN) Johann Lechner received a patent. This patent attests that HP Dr. Dr. (PhD-UCN) Johann Lechner had to provide proof of effectiveness.
Available Mid of December 2020:
Large update of the MindLINK® software system with great new features.
- Improved entry for newcomers; simplified & intuitive operation for beginners
- All modules (myMenu, myEmo & PREVEN TEST) are now combined in one software
- New feature: overview of orders that have already been placed with suppliers
- Improved documentation: Text can be entered – for clients, at the pretest and for the individual testelements that show resonance. Extra space for your personal notes.
- Different expansion levels of the modules (Basic, Advanced, Pro) which you can flexibly adapt to your needs.
- The plus for long-term users: Experienced users will find suggestions through the more detailed pretest, such as various options for the General File and various options for entries (via test elements or the client).

Order the MindLINK Software now!
You will receive the log-in information via e-mail.